Have you heard what’s happened to Ethereum? A world-famous blockchain platform has radically upgraded. Now the network that supports the native cryptocurrency Ethereum can provide around 100,000 transactions a second. It is 4 times faster than Visa!
If you are relatively new to the cryptocurrency world, today is the day to make the first step into it! Let us give you 5 reasons to persuade you to become the holder of a crypto wallet right now.
1. Safety
All the transactions in a cryptocurrency world are based on the blockchain. Blockchain is the technology that, in simple words, encrypts and sends data from one computer to another. A sender and a receiver must use a unique key to send/receive funds. People don’t participate in cryptography/transaction processes. The fewer people participate, the less the risk that funds won’t reach the receiver.
How to pay with crypto on Binomo
2. Independency
If you care about the future of your funds, put another egg into the crypto basket. It will protect them from inflation or banking crisis — sad normal for today. BTC and altcoins are out of the traditional finance system. You must be familiar with the huge price boost of cryptocurrency #1 — Bitcoin. In recent years, BTC’s quote exceeded $65,000!
3. Simplicity
People who run and support blockchain technologies in the finances tend to make users’ contact with the technology as comfortable as possible. To deposit on Binomo, you are just to scan a QR code.
Also, thanks to technology, transactions are provided very fast. Deposit made via crypto wallet on the Binomo is credited to the user’s account in up to 15 minutes.
4. It’s beneficial
Platforms that accept cryptocurrency often reward users for choosing crypto wallets. Beneficial options that Binomo users have are:
— They can deposit up to $10,000 in cryptocurrency
— Depositing/withdrawing crypto is an available option for all statuses
— No verification is needed, even if you are making your first deposit
5. Availability
There are plenty of cryptocurrencies that differ in technology, cost, or emitter. Choose ones you’ve heard about and trust — and use them in almost any part of the world! Not only for trading, no.
Some countries and companies are already using cryptocurrency. It can be very helpful when traveling or living abroad. You can pay with crypto anywhere. Visiting a bank or transaction confirmation is not required.
Binomo accepts payments with crypto in all the regions of its presence. The platform offers users plenty of options for depositing with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, or other cryptocurrencies.

The best lesson trading teaches us is that everything around is constantly changing, and you can’t be 100% prepared for what is coming. Crypto is your option to soften the blow.